
Showing posts from April, 2024

Tue AM Briefing Preparing For Our Emini Trading Room 04/30/2024

TRANSCRIPT: "Welcome to the AM briefing video presented by, where together, we trade better. Good morning, traders! This morning's quote says, 'But we also glory in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character, and character hope.' Yesterday's quote was, 'By perseverance the snail made it to the ark,' or something like that. So perseverance might be the theme this week. I don't know, but it's a theme every day, right? We have to persevere, and that shapes our character, and our character gives us hope because we know we're improving, we know we're moving in the right direction. And I pray that for you, that your trials, your suffering, is producing perseverance and your perseverance, hope. Alright, let's get into it.  So, this is the view I think we need. First of all, welcome to the AM briefing brought to you by, where together, we trade better. Certainly a...

Monday AM Briefing and Price Map and Profile

  Link: Transcript: Welcome to the AM briefing video presented by, where together we trade better. Good morning, everybody! Monday, April 29th, in Town, USA, where it's always 72 and sunny. But I looked on the weather map and towards the end of the week, bad weather's coming in: hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes. That's right, a typhoon is coming to your town Wednesday afternoon, about 2:00 Eastern. You can expect it to [Music] arrive. Alright, today's quote is from one of my favorite "dead guys," Charles H. Spurgeon: "By perseverance, the snail reached the Ark." And that's exactly what we need as traders: perseverance, so we too can make it on the ark. Now, this song right here is "Devil in the Bottle." We know what the devil is; it tempts us to do things outside of our trade plan: over-leverage, move our stop, add to losers. You've got to say, "Not today, devil." ...

Monday AM Briefing | Preparing ES Traders For Our Emini and MES Micros Futures Trading Room

Image Transcript: good morning Traders this one’s called devil in the [Music] bottle we know what that devil is the Tempest of over Leverage come on Johnny you’re seeing the chart good go big on this train the devil temps you every single [Music] trade your job is tell the devil sit down and shut up so this week I’m going to try to live stream a.m. briefing little bit of music maybe couple quotes maybe continue live streaming through the [Music] [Music] opening all right so of course disclaimer is uh this is not investment advice this is just some guy who’s pretty good at knowing where price bounces and pretty good at teaching others how to trade it as well so back in the early 1900s there’s this famous ad by Shackleton and I think it relates to Traders men wanted hazardous Journey small wages bitter cold long months of complete darkness constant danger safe return doubtful honor and recognition in the event of success well I think this is th...