Core Strategy: ES Emini Trading System
…Okay let's talk about the core strategy for trading the E S Emini. And the M E S micro futures contract here at…Introduction. If you were looking for a trading system that is. When A plus B happens, do I C. So a plus B equals C you found it. This isn't arbitrary type of trading here. We know exactly where we're going to enter our trades and under what conditions. Okay. We see every trade before it happens. Absolutely true We mark our level We know we're coming to that level We know we're going to play the bounce off of that level. We have plenty of time to do analysis to ensure that this is a wonderful high-probability setup. At the very essence, we are bounced traders. You see with high certainty we know we're price We'll bounce We play the bouncing. Sometimes the bounces are Counter trend. Sometimes they are with the trend. Now the truth is I rarely take a countertrend trade. Um, I find with the trend just so much easier and it offers me more profit potential, and we have the data to back that up. Personally I love with the trend trades. They offer lots of juice for the squeeze. True. Watch this presentation I did a presentation for the famous Aaeromir mere group. It's a big options group at the request at the request of Tom the owner. He's a member of my group himself and he wanted me to present my system to his options traders. So we actually have a lot of option traders in our group who will use my core strategy to do option trades. I'm normally based off Howard higher timeframe levels. Our core strategy is four-fold working in unison to offer confluence Fluent. Like cotton candy T a. Plus ICT. Plus market profile. plus price action equals our core strategy. I know that's a mouthful. You probably said what. Uh no big deal. Uh the quick start guide will walk you through this core strategy or get the uh boot camp training bundle to speed up your learning.
So I'm going to point you to these cotton candy TA go to YouTube type in cotton candy TA all of his videos are right there. He forms the basis of our system. Now he teaches off Bitcoin and I have adapted everything for E S, but if you want to learn this on your own no problem Go to cotton candy TA and start the training. Search ICT on YouTube and start the training., And that's the long road. That's the road I took because there because there was no group like this., Everyone who was using cotton candy was trading Bitcoin and altcoins And…I had no interest in that. I love trading E S and our system. Works perfectly. with the S P futures……So if you want to get up to speed quickly, you'll when you join you want to get my workshop training bundle. 10 hours. Of workshops and bootcamps that are recorded and in 10 hours you are going to be up to speed Pretty darn good.…So, and this doesn't teach you everything about our strategy but it teaches you to draw the three primary levels you need to draw. to start paper trading don't trade with real money off the bat paper trading. These four strategies offer confluence on topic influence on topic Influence Very true.
, I took these four independent strategies and created one core strategy out of them It works like gangbusters It really does And it does. Jordan a group for one month then you might never leave. I'll tell you who leaves It's typically lazy people who uh really want an indicator based system. Light is green go long light is red Go short. These am. are crossing each other. No. We learned to become expert price readers. We know where people will defend price. Like Nope you're not going there and sends it back the other way. And we trade that bounce. Trading as a group via zoom with the same charts with the same trades is just awesome. We're all looking for the same trades looking at the same charts. Okay And supporting each other in that endeavor. people aren't entering a trade for some weird out-there reason and made a hundred points and everybody's like how did he do that And wanting to do it now we're all trading the same traits. On the same chart…And these are high-probability trades. We are looking at my chart. So you are looking at my chart to make sure you're marking your chart Right. That's one of the benefits. as you learn to mark these lines you get to see my chart on zoom That's what's on zoom is my chart. Uh plus we can talk trade set up some market directions and all that stuff.…Georgia screen is super useful as a quick reference when I need to make sure I'm on the right track, a hundred percent love the system is keeping me from jumping into unfounded trades. That's one of the things people really love about this system. Is it keeps you from just getting into trades…Our trades are very obvious. And those are the trades we take. If you decide to go off the reservation it's not the system. It's you…so cotton candy TA I know it's weird name but he's an amazing. But it has amazing information and trader, if you uh…If you had to know one thing this is it. ICT and market profile and price action is icing on the cake. Price action tells you if we should take the upcoming trade and price action tells us how much leverage we should use. Trust me. It took many attempts to get through cotton material, but the guy is on the money accurate and precise He's trading Alchemist. He just speaks incredibly fast. and takes forever to teach a simple point, but he's on the money. it took me three times to go through all of his material. and I'm going to tell you it's probably going to take you three times to go through the material If you decide to go. that route route. Cotton is the foundation. And he's the first ingredient that goes into my gumbo. Pretend I'm making gumbo And I got multiple ingredients I got caught and I got ICT I got market profile I got price Action. All that goes into the pot. You will hear us say often cotton levels We mark. We almost mark all of our levels as cotton levels Cause everybody knows what we're talking about I guess I should call them bounce levels but to be honest they came from cotton. So I've paid the man honor. And we call them cotton levels. So I'm referring to this guy When you hear us say the word cotton levels. a majority of the quick start guide is a cliff note version of cotton's training…But if you want to hear it direct from him and you absolutely should use this link this link right here will take you right to his channel. Back let's click it…Goes to his channel. I'll put it on a let's go to playlist. And you start right here at level one And go go go go go. Okay About a hundred…Minimum hours. My bootcamp. Pretty much strips that down to the very basics of what I use from him because he teaches way more than I use. But if you want to learn it the way I did for free that's how you do it. I recommend you take notes start a new turning document meant on your computer Save the links screenshot save them in your notebook for reference later Trust me You'll be glad you did. This is like going to college for trading. If you want to get it straight from the horses mouth. Start at level one and go all the way through them It's about a hundred hours plus a training I did them three times plus. I joined his mastermind for awhile…, I have done all of them other NGOs and I did as private mentorship Perfect. I agreed since I got serious about trade-in a few months ago these teachings have given me structure and made me understand what price moves. like it does and where it will move before it even does probability wise. Before I was just trading like retail following breakouts and emotional training. Which I still do sometimes all Ryan's getting better though. This actually was not posted today A screenshot of that whenever he said it. I think the big thing for me is finally having a system and a structure I can build consistently on rather than trying to get lucky. Was very stressful trading with no set edge system, our structure. And now it's very relaxed trading. With edge and structure. It's a very cool. If you want to do it yourself without my help Here you go. Our system's a combination. And read all that cotton stuff Watch them three times…I link again to his stuff I linked to ICT stuff. If you're going to handle his whining. He's a mad man. And market profile I learned from shadow trader Paul awesomer. From Camelback trading. And Dalton who basically wrote the books on it. I've been here for two weeks in love all the content and genuine effort. Of sharing knowledge One person this past week said this is more of a training room than a trading room. Because so many people are in the learning mode, still absorbing everything and practicing in a simulator until I gained enough confidence to trade with real money. Sounds like a smart plan. ICT I re I specifically recommend the ICT mentorship 2022. As a group of videos there's about 50 of them., when you combine ICT with cotton Oh it's just incredible., but don't worry about the ICT stuff until you have grasped cotton stuff Cotton is the foundation of which everything is built. You will learn an amazing set up and, learn How about the power fair value gaps. Very true. So an ICT set up with a cotton level is money. Bill L and incredible trader 15 year futures trader in my group. Bootcamp is great for understanding the nuances of mark and likely trade levels on your chart. This quickly gets the student to a position of confidence. And doing his own marking without the need to wait until George does his markings True. And then the students freed up to do price. Action analysis. Quickly enough to actually start trading the bootcamp was a great value and accelerates everything. George is a natural teacher. Thank you highly recommended. Market profile…, But you need to learn cotton. You need to learn ICT and then we'll worry about market profile. And inside the zoom each day you're getting exposed to it. To be honest you're going to kind of learn market profile by being on the zoom Okay. there are a couple books that you can. They're horrible reads They're hard to get through. shadow traders also a great resource He has a YouTube channel. I also skirt subscribed to his pre-market perspective which is great. it's it's specifically geared towards E S just 20 bucks a month. Like I said Peter has a YouTube channel. Joe A's a trader in my room I am spending less time on cotton videos and more time on George's material in the bootcamp is a great illustration of why that makes sense. I suppose George will be a bit dismayed about Mike turning away from cotton. I tell everyone go through every cotton video. He will teach you more than I'm going to teach you infinitely more. I just took three or four things from him and said, These make sense to me in this framework and I'm going to use them as the foundation of my system. But your eventual system might be different. Price action We learned price action on the job That's right Inside the zoom every morning. That is what I am doing I am calling out price action analysis Live. Uh, the traders love it because I'm very good at it I am and do not I do not call out trades My group is not a trade call-out service. However one day that might be an option. But I do call out price action. You will see my entries after. you will see my trades after entry I'll slide my Dom into the screen so you can see it. I will manage them right before your eyes so that you can watch how I do it. After a while you will learn my favorite setups. Which trades are small leverage in which trades are large leverage price action tells me what to do It's true. Price action is like music It tells you how to dance If you'll listen, price action tells me whether or not I want to enter this trade. And how much leverage from zero to 30 contracts. Learning price action takes time on the charts pure in sample. It takes time to see the nuances live in live trading in real time. Some people never get it on how to do it themselves No big deal. We're a team. I'm with you Amanda joined only 11 one I can't believe how different I see. I look at price in this month's charts.…I haven't ran a small, uh, Yeah he's he used to be a small scale. A small cap trader he's Now full-time futures guy. Um multiple, multiple multiple like 10 funded accounts now., Ryan's rocking it. here's a roadmap. if you to get the bootcamp this is the roadmap. That you will follow In fact let's click it…And so whenever you join if you get the boot camp you'll also get access to this sheet which obviously you can access right here. And it's going to walk you through exactly the training steps I recommend you print this out. And you check mark these along the way. So you know, where you are in your training Okay.…So that's really nice. so that's our core strategy. And if you want to learn it on your own I'll give you a way to do that If you want to shortcut the learning curve get the boot camp training bundle and includes the first month of membership. with it. Okay traders have a great day…
George is discussing a core strategy for trading the E-mini S&P (E-S Emini) and the M-E-S micro futures contract on They claim that the strategy is not arbitrary, but rather a system where they know exactly when and under what conditions to enter trades. They call themselves "bounce traders," meaning they look for price to bounce off certain levels and take trades based on that. They prefer taking trades in the direction of the trend, as it offers more profit potential.
George mentions that the core strategy is four-fold, combining cotton candy TA, ICT, market profile, and price action. They recommend watching a presentation they did for a famous options group and suggest that viewers check out cotton candy TA on YouTube to learn more about the system. They also offer a boot camp training bundle to speed up the learning process. The speaker emphasizes that they have adapted the strategy to work well with the E-mini S&P futures and suggests paper trading before using real money. They also mention that they have a community of traders who trade together via zoom and support each other in finding and executing trades.
…Okay let's talk about the core strategy for trading the E S Emini. And the M E S micro futures contract here at…Introduction. If you were looking for a trading system that is. When A plus B happens, do I C. So a plus B equals C you found it. This isn't arbitrary type of trading here. We know exactly where we're going to enter our trades and under what conditions. Okay. We see every trade before it happens. Absolutely true We mark our level We know we're coming to that level We know we're going to play the bounce off of that level. We have plenty of time to do analysis to ensure that this is a wonderful high-probability setup. At the very essence, we are bounced traders. You see with high certainty we know we're price We'll bounce We play the bouncing. Sometimes the bounces are Counter trend. Sometimes they are with the trend. Now the truth is I rarely take a countertrend trade. Um, I find with the trend just so much easier and it offers me more profit potential, and we have the data to back that up. Personally I love with the trend trades. They offer lots of juice for the squeeze. True. Watch this presentation I did a presentation for the famous Aaeromir mere group. It's a big options group at the request at the request of Tom the owner. He's a member of my group himself and he wanted me to present my system to his options traders. So we actually have a lot of option traders in our group who will use my core strategy to do option trades. I'm normally based off Howard higher timeframe levels. Our core strategy is four-fold working in unison to offer confluence Fluent. Like cotton candy T a. Plus ICT. Plus market profile. plus price action equals our core strategy. I know that's a mouthful. You probably said what. Uh no big deal. Uh the quick start guide will walk you through this core strategy or get the uh boot camp training bundle to speed up your learning.
So I'm going to point you to these cotton candy TA go to YouTube type in cotton candy TA all of his videos are right there. He forms the basis of our system. Now he teaches off Bitcoin and I have adapted everything for E S, but if you want to learn this on your own no problem Go to cotton candy TA and start the training. Search ICT on YouTube and start the training., And that's the long road. That's the road I took because there because there was no group like this., Everyone who was using cotton candy was trading Bitcoin and altcoins And…I had no interest in that. I love trading E S and our system. Works perfectly. with the S P futures……So if you want to get up to speed quickly, you'll when you join you want to get my workshop training bundle. 10 hours. Of workshops and bootcamps that are recorded and in 10 hours you are going to be up to speed Pretty darn good.…So, and this doesn't teach you everything about our strategy but it teaches you to draw the three primary levels you need to draw. to start paper trading don't trade with real money off the bat paper trading. These four strategies offer confluence on topic influence on topic Influence Very true.
, I took these four independent strategies and created one core strategy out of them It works like gangbusters It really does And it does. Jordan a group for one month then you might never leave. I'll tell you who leaves It's typically lazy people who uh really want an indicator based system. Light is green go long light is red Go short. These am. are crossing each other. No. We learned to become expert price readers. We know where people will defend price. Like Nope you're not going there and sends it back the other way. And we trade that bounce. Trading as a group via zoom with the same charts with the same trades is just awesome. We're all looking for the same trades looking at the same charts. Okay And supporting each other in that endeavor. people aren't entering a trade for some weird out-there reason and made a hundred points and everybody's like how did he do that And wanting to do it now we're all trading the same traits. On the same chart…And these are high-probability trades. We are looking at my chart. So you are looking at my chart to make sure you're marking your chart Right. That's one of the benefits. as you learn to mark these lines you get to see my chart on zoom That's what's on zoom is my chart. Uh plus we can talk trade set up some market directions and all that stuff.…Georgia screen is super useful as a quick reference when I need to make sure I'm on the right track, a hundred percent love the system is keeping me from jumping into unfounded trades. That's one of the things people really love about this system. Is it keeps you from just getting into trades…Our trades are very obvious. And those are the trades we take. If you decide to go off the reservation it's not the system. It's you…so cotton candy TA I know it's weird name but he's an amazing. But it has amazing information and trader, if you uh…If you had to know one thing this is it. ICT and market profile and price action is icing on the cake. Price action tells you if we should take the upcoming trade and price action tells us how much leverage we should use. Trust me. It took many attempts to get through cotton material, but the guy is on the money accurate and precise He's trading Alchemist. He just speaks incredibly fast. and takes forever to teach a simple point, but he's on the money. it took me three times to go through all of his material. and I'm going to tell you it's probably going to take you three times to go through the material If you decide to go. that route route. Cotton is the foundation. And he's the first ingredient that goes into my gumbo. Pretend I'm making gumbo And I got multiple ingredients I got caught and I got ICT I got market profile I got price Action. All that goes into the pot. You will hear us say often cotton levels We mark. We almost mark all of our levels as cotton levels Cause everybody knows what we're talking about I guess I should call them bounce levels but to be honest they came from cotton. So I've paid the man honor. And we call them cotton levels. So I'm referring to this guy When you hear us say the word cotton levels. a majority of the quick start guide is a cliff note version of cotton's training…But if you want to hear it direct from him and you absolutely should use this link this link right here will take you right to his channel. Back let's click it…Goes to his channel. I'll put it on a let's go to playlist. And you start right here at level one And go go go go go. Okay About a hundred…Minimum hours. My bootcamp. Pretty much strips that down to the very basics of what I use from him because he teaches way more than I use. But if you want to learn it the way I did for free that's how you do it. I recommend you take notes start a new turning document meant on your computer Save the links screenshot save them in your notebook for reference later Trust me You'll be glad you did. This is like going to college for trading. If you want to get it straight from the horses mouth. Start at level one and go all the way through them It's about a hundred hours plus a training I did them three times plus. I joined his mastermind for awhile…, I have done all of them other NGOs and I did as private mentorship Perfect. I agreed since I got serious about trade-in a few months ago these teachings have given me structure and made me understand what price moves. like it does and where it will move before it even does probability wise. Before I was just trading like retail following breakouts and emotional training. Which I still do sometimes all Ryan's getting better though. This actually was not posted today A screenshot of that whenever he said it. I think the big thing for me is finally having a system and a structure I can build consistently on rather than trying to get lucky. Was very stressful trading with no set edge system, our structure. And now it's very relaxed trading. With edge and structure. It's a very cool. If you want to do it yourself without my help Here you go. Our system's a combination. And read all that cotton stuff Watch them three times…I link again to his stuff I linked to ICT stuff. If you're going to handle his whining. He's a mad man. And market profile I learned from shadow trader Paul awesomer. From Camelback trading. And Dalton who basically wrote the books on it. I've been here for two weeks in love all the content and genuine effort. Of sharing knowledge One person this past week said this is more of a training room than a trading room. Because so many people are in the learning mode, still absorbing everything and practicing in a simulator until I gained enough confidence to trade with real money. Sounds like a smart plan. ICT I re I specifically recommend the ICT mentorship 2022. As a group of videos there's about 50 of them., when you combine ICT with cotton Oh it's just incredible., but don't worry about the ICT stuff until you have grasped cotton stuff Cotton is the foundation of which everything is built. You will learn an amazing set up and, learn How about the power fair value gaps. Very true. So an ICT set up with a cotton level is money. Bill L and incredible trader 15 year futures trader in my group. Bootcamp is great for understanding the nuances of mark and likely trade levels on your chart. This quickly gets the student to a position of confidence. And doing his own marking without the need to wait until George does his markings True. And then the students freed up to do price. Action analysis. Quickly enough to actually start trading the bootcamp was a great value and accelerates everything. George is a natural teacher. Thank you highly recommended. Market profile…, But you need to learn cotton. You need to learn ICT and then we'll worry about market profile. And inside the zoom each day you're getting exposed to it. To be honest you're going to kind of learn market profile by being on the zoom Okay. there are a couple books that you can. They're horrible reads They're hard to get through. shadow traders also a great resource He has a YouTube channel. I also skirt subscribed to his pre-market perspective which is great. it's it's specifically geared towards E S just 20 bucks a month. Like I said Peter has a YouTube channel. Joe A's a trader in my room I am spending less time on cotton videos and more time on George's material in the bootcamp is a great illustration of why that makes sense. I suppose George will be a bit dismayed about Mike turning away from cotton. I tell everyone go through every cotton video. He will teach you more than I'm going to teach you infinitely more. I just took three or four things from him and said, These make sense to me in this framework and I'm going to use them as the foundation of my system. But your eventual system might be different. Price action We learned price action on the job That's right Inside the zoom every morning. That is what I am doing I am calling out price action analysis Live. Uh, the traders love it because I'm very good at it I am and do not I do not call out trades My group is not a trade call-out service. However one day that might be an option. But I do call out price action. You will see my entries after. you will see my trades after entry I'll slide my Dom into the screen so you can see it. I will manage them right before your eyes so that you can watch how I do it. After a while you will learn my favorite setups. Which trades are small leverage in which trades are large leverage price action tells me what to do It's true. Price action is like music It tells you how to dance If you'll listen, price action tells me whether or not I want to enter this trade. And how much leverage from zero to 30 contracts. Learning price action takes time on the charts pure in sample. It takes time to see the nuances live in live trading in real time. Some people never get it on how to do it themselves No big deal. We're a team. I'm with you Amanda joined only 11 one I can't believe how different I see. I look at price in this month's charts.…I haven't ran a small, uh, Yeah he's he used to be a small scale. A small cap trader he's Now full-time futures guy. Um multiple, multiple multiple like 10 funded accounts now., Ryan's rocking it. here's a roadmap. if you to get the bootcamp this is the roadmap. That you will follow In fact let's click it…And so whenever you join if you get the boot camp you'll also get access to this sheet which obviously you can access right here. And it's going to walk you through exactly the training steps I recommend you print this out. And you check mark these along the way. So you know, where you are in your training Okay.…So that's really nice. so that's our core strategy. And if you want to learn it on your own I'll give you a way to do that If you want to shortcut the learning curve get the boot camp training bundle and includes the first month of membership. with it. Okay traders have a great day…