ES Trading Tool: Cool Trick With StreamDeck for Futures Traders
ADDITIONAL NOTES: I use my streamdeck for lots of ES Futures Trading. I mark levels, breaks, holds, trend, .... Using a stream deck speeds up my trading because I am fiddling with the mouse MUCH less. Thus, more efficiency. With my simple scalping system for treading ES EMini and MES Micro, it really speeds things up.
TRANSCRIPT OF VIDEO: (Don't Read)Good morning ES Emini Futures Rraders. I want to show you one of the weird. Things I use my stream deck for. So here it is. Um this is my first page where I can switch timeframes real easily I can draw lines I can draw my last line buttons I use often. Refresh, um, you know undo. Launch these different applications. My a trade of eight, my trading view. Bring my discord to the front bring my. Um Google Chrome to the front. my zoom link, the disclaimer I use inside of our discord group. Um when it's time to get on zoom Uh, controlling whether I'm on the mic or I'm recording. All kinds of things but one of them is called websites. And I'm going to push that button for you right now and you'll see what it does. And what it does. Is it the lazy way that we're not pressed that one button, it launches all of these websites. And w we'll leave in log me in whatever I want it to do. And I have them right here. To where, um, I will typically start over here and just work my way down to what I want to look at and see, uh for the morning. Including um Forex factory and financial juice My email, um a couple of dashboards that I look at, even though weather my calendar. Um so one push of the button it launches them all. And that's just one little weird. Trick that I use with my stream deck…