Youtube Video I bring the most value to my group is
reading price action and reading the Tea
Leaves of price action and keeping us on
sides in other words when we are lading
up when we're headed this way we're
looking for longs
or flat so when we're headed this way
I'm trying to keep you on trade by going
long or flat when we're going this way
my goal is to keep you short or flat or
to at least tell you hey the play is
short or flat and if you decide to do a
long it needs to be aggressive trade
management with proper leverage same
thing with if the arrow is up and I say
the play is long or flat and you decide
to take a a counter trade there's plenty
of counter trades to
take but leverage
smaller manage tighter see money take
money if my arrow is pointed up and I
decide to take a counter
trade I know I'm not looking for a 10 or
pointer if we're headed down and I
decide to go long it's C money take
money not try to get a 10 20 point
Runner we're not trying to predict
turnarounds if you counter trade counter
trades always take more heat and have
less profit but they still have a very
high win rate with our system but I do
try to keep you on
sides now today's homework has to deal
with us having this big reaction and
when was it time to go
long absolutely critical that
you either have me on your trading team
that helps you with that that or if you
decide that you want to be a laner and
trade completely by yourself it's
something you need to learn to do by
yourself um trading is very hard on your
own emotionally technically um having a
team helps and that's why I always have
on my uh zooms together we trade better
so the main thing here is we had a big
level okay and it came down to this
monster level and in my premarket video
I remarked between 60 and 45 was going
to be the Battleground that doesn't mean
price could not have kept vomiting
through without a doubt it's just when I
see the body start to respect that level
you go
H okay and there's a huge level here
H so in our system
in our in our in our Essentials
indicator we have a way that we know
when price becomes irrational one of our
ways is see the color of this candle
here it's a different blue then say this
blue okay our candles will change colors
based on your setting I just do a darker
blue or I do a gray when there's an
eighto candle or higher and that is on
our base chart of a three-minute chart
okay so three minute chart is our base
chart so
FNP monster AO
candle in fact how big was that
candle 42 points and this is why you do
not want to be in a trade before a red
folder event you've got to guess
Direction and if you guess that wrong um
you could be in a lot of pain
quickly so let's do something here I
want to go
to will it give me a 15sec chart that
far back let's go take a peek at that
okay there's that but look at that in 15
seconds how big of a move that
seconds 30 points
respect so let's go back to a one minute
chart now
Thursday I
also showed you this in the Thursday
morning Zoom update where I said okay it
looks like to me we're probably going to
head back up here now that's a big call
but you got to know the nature of es and
it takes a lot of seat time takes a lot
of seat time you know I tell Traders and
this is so
true I can teach you to draw the lines
in a month or
so but depending on the number of
Character defects that you have are you
emotional do you like to Revenge trade
do you consistently move your stops
further out will you add leverage to a
losing trade uh do you trade when I tell
you not to trade whatever the more
Character defects you have the more
months and years it takes to teach you
how to trade because you are the wild
horse that has to be
broken so I can teach you to draw the
lines in a
month but to read the price action and
to stay disciplined could take much
longer depending on the number of
Character defects you
have just something I've noticed so on
on the in the AM update video I said
we're probably going here I missed it by
two points we did get all the way back
up there but I missed the location by
two points we just went to the rth high
which in this case were these Green Dots
but I was close but the thing is is
reading the tea leaves reading price
action even if you trade a different
system you could probably really benefit
from our live price action
analysis um and and at this time I'm
actually offering for a limited time I'm
doing it as a test you can buy a zoom
pass for the entire month okay at a
reasonable monthly rate see if my price
action helps you trade your system even
better okay it's a limited access type
of uh membership but you do get to
listen to the live Zoom each morning um
and for yesterday that would have been
very profitable most likely so so here's
what we're going to do we get an
eight-point candle on a 3 minute chart
so I'm going to go back to 3 minutes I
want to show you that it was an 8o
candle we know that but I'm just being
thorough right here eighto candle down
we know number one it's f&p but let's
just even pretend this was any other
type of day and you had a 10-point
candle hands off we're out of trading
until what
happens oh want my traders to answer
mentally eight point candle what do we
do we wait until two newly created
bounce okay so there's a couple things
going on in today's homework number one
is the eight-point candle what do we
do we wait for two newly created levels
bounce and
the second concept we're we're dealing
with here in price action is what do we
do when we bounce off a high time frame
level okay I'm not predicting this is
where price is going to turn around but
what I'm trying to do is
determine is that all they wanted to do
and now we're going to go back up like
we did on Friday's Zoom so in this
scenario we're really trying to
determine two things number one has
price returned to rational price action
cuz we had an 8o candle our system rocks
when we have
normal price action when you get eighto
candles or 30 point
candles uh it's
gambling and you don't have a 90% Plus
winning system by
gambling you got to know when not to
trade a point
candle don't trade red folder event
don't be in a
trade wait wait for two newly created
levels to bounce and we bounce off a
high time frame level so now I want to
start seeing evidence of lading up so
there's two things we're looking for
price to bounce off to newly created
levels and do we start lading up telling
me hey it's time to get long and I
longed several times in this
area several times in this area did not
long didn't do anything in this area and
then I went long here at
72 and did well I did four contracts for
10 points and as I discussed yesterday
um I should I disappointed in my trade
management there so my final Runner I
should have just kept it at my entry and
I would have made
just don't even let's not let's not go
there okay so eight-point
candle looking for two bounces
to return to reasonable price action so
what I want my members to do is I want
you to go to the one minute
chart and I want you to find those two
newly created levels and post it in the
Channel okay where did it bounce two
times it tells us we have
resumed normal price
action and where could you have went
long and in fact in this area here let's
go to replay I'm just going to go to
here you might want to go to a 30second
chart you see me trade 30 second charts
all the time I'm looking for these micro
moves sometimes but I'm looking for
evidence of lading up so when we came
down here and hit this monthly fair
value Gap and by the way that's a tested
daily backside I need to put the word
tested I'm looking for evidence of
lading up and reasons to go
long and I want you to find where the
two bounces happen and where your entry
should be so in our Discord group on the
homework Channel I want you to tell me
those two things draw them on your chart
here show me where price bounced off two
of our newly created levels and where
was your first long Stay Green my
friends and to learn more about our