Tuesday AM Briefing for Emini Training Room



"Welcome to the AM briefing video presented by MicrosTrader.com, where together we trade better. Alright, good morning, good morning, good morning, happy Tuesday, March the 26th. So let's review yesterday, which was this horrible day of price action. So as far as my second know, we went from the biggest week of the year to the smallest day of the year, unbelievable! The biggest week to the smallest day. So yesterday morning, I gave on YouTube this strong level. Boy, did this strong level play out? You bet. And then if you're in my group, I get you got this strong level, and boy did that play out. We literally bounced the whole day just between these two strong levels, which was really cool. So yesterday was just a small day for me. I took this short when we came up here, and then I was in a long for this, and then I said, 'That's it, I'm out.' Um, at the end of the day, you get this just flush, um, taking out these relatively equal lows, and I thought it might take out the IB low here, but it did not. So make sure on your chart is the London low. We did not take out the overnight low, nor did we take out the London High, nor the Asia High yesterday. So we did not take out either of the overnights yesterday, which is a very rare event. In fact, I think it only happened a handful of times all of last year. So very interesting, the overnight is doing, I mean, are you kidding me? London is stacking on top of Asia, and, um, you gotta admit, this daily trend line played a nice role. And then this 30-minute trend line is finally broken, retested, and is continuing its journey. So at this point, I will delete this 30-minute trend line, and in fact, now this daily trend line represents the new line. And in fact, one might say, have we went parabolic this direction? Very interesting. And then this RTH high right here obviously looks like it's becoming our next target. And then we've got a 30-minute origin up here. Um, that's not something we talk about often, but every now and then you get these origin levels, and, uh, that will be very interesting to see what happens up there. So today's tip, did you pass the boredom yesterday? Typically, trading is characterized by hours of sheer boredom by moments of sheer terror. So did you pass the boredom test yesterday? Sometimes that's what trading is. It's hours of boredom, hours of saying no, no, no, I'm not trading this. So yesterday, like I said, was small for me. I was up just four points, net-net. It is what it is. Positive, move on. So trend lines, we just covered. Uh, today's news drivers, we have some. So an hour before the market opens, we have some durable goods. 30 minutes before it opens, we've got some more data. Then 30 minutes after, we have confidence in the Richmond Manufacturing Index. So we do have some news drivers today. Tuesday is usually a good trend day, and boy, is it already starting off this direction of being trendy. So I'm excited to trade it, and I will see my traders live on Zoom here in 1 hour. Alright, see you guys."


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