Mon AM Briefing Preparing For Our Emini Trading Room 05/20/2024 ES Price Map (Single Prints, VPOCS, News Drivers,...)

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"Good morning, traders! Monday, May 20th—it's going to be a good week, oh yeah! When you go through deep waters, and we go through some deep waters, I will be with you. When I go through deep waters, he will be with me. If you haven't been through deep waters, they're coming. As a group, we go through many deep waters together. The trading journey can be fraught with deep waters. I pray you will not need your waders this week, though. Alright, I'm excited. Let's get right into it, guys. Let's get right into it. I'm ready to trade. Seems like every Monday's that way—you're ready to trade, ready to trade, and Mondays just are not the best days of the week to trade. It is what it is. So, welcome to the AM briefing number 180. I started this as an experiment sometime back in October or November, and boy, we keep rolling through. So, I enjoy it, and hopefully, you do as well. So let's get right into it. Let's get right into it. So number one, last week's results: 17 wins, one loss, seven break-evens. Those break-evens, once again, were evenly distributed. Just take the gift; if you didn't take the gift, it would have been profitable; if you didn't take the gift, it would have been a full loser. So once again, my opinion with our system: trade the touch and goes, and if it goes against you, if it wiggle wiggles, just get out. That's my humble opinion; your mileage may vary. So where are we? Well, we're right here at the all-time high inside of Thursday's range, hugging right here at the halfback. I didn't even touch my screen. Uh, we did the Sunday night chart tune-up, marking this halfback here, and this is where we've been hugging. We had a gap up that you can see right here, and actually, you can't see it at all. I'm looking over here on my screen, and for some reason, this did not disappear. I apologize. Alright, that's why you have a little monitor looking at this stuff. So we are here at halfback that we drew in last night's um Sunday night. We gapped up here; we haven't filled that gap yet, so it's an obvious magnet. Um, but we are just setting up here in the middle of this Thursday's range, above Friday's range. Extremely bullish scenario here; it's the most bullish of scenarios. We gapped up, haven't filled the gap, and we are above Friday's range, so it's as bullish as it gets. Um, nothing changes till we start taking out daily lows. As I said in last night's tune-up, this is nothing but up, up, and away, and until it proves that it wants to do something other than that—I mean, look at this, this was Friday's low. We spent half the day underneath it, and then we roared back and finished inside of Friday's range. We have not taken out a daily low, so we got to take out a daily low. The VPX and single prints are updated there on the website. I did not update the strong indicator. I felt that we were pretty tight where we were here. So, yeah, let's move on. So this week's tip is: know when not to trade. Did you like trading CPI the day after CPI in Opex Friday? Yeah, that can be tough times. I try to warn you when there's level 10 trading conditions, and those level 10 trading conditions usually work out. Now, Thursday was amazing. Thursday was just incredible, and you can sit there and watch and just be disciplined. The system works; you just have to be patient. So if I was to give a tip of the week: whenever you've got these monster red folder events—CPI, PPI, non-farm payroll, and even Opex Friday—I think it needs to be in the mix the day before, the day of, and the day after. You've got to be careful. And guys, if you like what I do, I added that little dude this weekend, playing with some AI image generation stuff. Um, I have lots of them coming; it was fun. So if you like what I'm doing, like and subscribe, and I would appreciate that. So, what are the news drivers? Well, it's kind of a light week on the news drivers. Well, first of all, if you click the summer intensive here, um, you saw the countdown little timer there. Uh, the summer intensive is basically going to be um going back over everything you learn in boot camp, and we're going to do a price action class every Saturday in the month of June, and on the final Saturday—the bonus Saturday—because I usually only do it for four weeks, but there's five Saturdays in June, so what can I do on the fifth Saturday? I'm going to hand zoom over to you if you're part of the summer intensive, and you're going to mark levels for me. So this should be really, really valuable. Members, non-members, anybody can join that, but if you do become a member before the end of May, you're going to get the summer intensive for free, and you're going to lock in the current monthly membership fee of $100. I'm going up in June, so um, you get to lock that in. So let's go back to the ES price map because that's really what I'm here for. I'm here for the news drivers. Um, here's the current news drivers. Um, so we had Powell yesterday, which I don't, you know, before the market even opened, FOMC minutes is the only thing noteworthy here. Few FOMC speakers, so not a whole lot going on on the news front this week. So, what's happened overnight? Well, London is actually stacking under Asia. London is stacking under Asia here. Let's zoom in on that um just so that we can see that even a little bit better. We still have this gap here. So, gap up, stayed up, but London is stacking under Asia. This halfback, these are levels that um pay that definitely influence price behavior, and we're seeing that here as well. So, what about the indices? Let's go take a peek at the indices. So, we've got the low, mid, and high of each, and I like to go and look at the halfback just in general, say where are we? Well, we're all above the halfback. Where are we in relation to Friday's high? Well, looks like only ES is the lone wolf above it. Um, Dal experimented, Dal's at it, maybe it's a tiny bit over it—all bullish. Nothing on this chart says 'short, short, short,' so we will play that. We're going to see what's going to happen here and trade accordingly as things are presented. So, what's the game plan? Well, I got to know we gapped up, I know that we've stayed up, London's under Asia, we are in the mid of Thursday's range, the all-time high is nothing but what, 15 points away? So, all of that is within the realm of being accomplishable. Let's not forget, in all honesty, it's an election year. Any current administration wants to have a roaring stock market the year of the election, and so we must pay attention to that as well. Alright, traders, so I wish you good luck today, and if you're looking for a live trading room and education on scalping the ES and MES contract, check us out at Stay green, my friends, and to learn more about our group, go to"


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