Fri AM Briefing Preparing For Our Emini Trading Room 06/07/2024

Preparing ES & NQ Traders
For Our Emini and Micros Futures Trading Room

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"Are you ready? I'm ready. Alright, [Music] alright, good morning! Welcome to Friday NFP. I thought this quote was most appropriate today: 'Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. You will be tempted today. Can you resist? Put on the full armor.' Yes, yes, yes! Alright, let's get into it. So, welcome to the AM briefing number 194, brought to you by, where together, we trade better. This AM briefing is designed to prepare ES and NQ traders to trade in our live trading room. If you're looking for a group, check us out. Alright, so, to the chart: Here we are, pushing this little trend line again. Um, NFP Friday. You know what? I forgot something, guys. Let me back up one little step. I forgot to even go through my slides here. I apologize. I'm missing some stuff. So, tip of the day: Did you trade smaller yesterday? Did you enjoy that price action? And will you trade the day before nonfarm payroll again? Might be something to put in your journal. News drivers this week and next week—and that's why I did that introduction I did with NFP, CPI, and F—because today is non-farm payroll. I have no clue why I underlined 'hourly' here; should have been this. And then next Wednesday: The Perfect Storm. CPI in the morning, FOMC in the afternoon. It is the Super Bowl, the World Series, and the World Cup all together. Wow! And then Thursday, you got PPI. Oh my goodness! So, when I said it was level 10 trading for the next week, yeah, I meant it. My goodness, what an outlook! So, uh, yesterday in the AM briefing, I said the important line was going to be this, um, 5350, which was right here, and that was definitely the important line. The bulls have for sure control above—jeez, pressing the wrong button. So, it is NFP plus Friday. I chose this hairy guy here for the 'Subscribe and Like' and consider joining our group because it's probably going to be a pretty hairy day. Okay, um, so what are some of the rules? Number one: Go into the weekend a winner. Don't give your week back. Trade small with a wide stop if you're going to trade. Do you need to trade today? Today, the game show 'Trap the Trader' is on, running on replay all day. The bulls defended perfectly where they need. We're coiled up tightly again, and what happens when we coil up tightly with a major news event? It's going to explode. If you do trade today, never make things worse—that means do not add to a losing trade. And yes, it can keep going. Seasonality has us peaking up here soon. It will be interesting to see how that works out. And now, we go to the chart. Now I can press that button, George. So, this major trend line here, um, we're pushing it. Of course, we're basing here; we're going to explode one way or the other. Would not be shocked to see us come to 5400, wouldn't be shocked to see us if we pushed into here somewhere and then went to 5400. Um, so I can't wait to see what happens today on this candle. We will be live in our group for this NFP candle, and so I'm literally going to wrap this up because it's NFP. I have no game plan for you except it's Friday plus NFP, small if at all. I'll see my traders live here on Zoom soon. So, thank you for watching, and I hope you have a great day. Stay green, my friends! And to learn more about our group, go to"


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