Mon AM Briefing Preparing For Our Emini Trading Room 06/17/2024

Preparing ES & NQ Traders
For Our Emini and Micros Futures Trading Room

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good morning everybody happy Monday June the 17th plans fell for the lack of counsel but with many advisors they the seed so thank you for letting me be part of your trading team I have people that I pay that are part of my trading team which trickles down you as well but thank you for having me as part of your trading team and as one of your advisers and may your plans to be a successful Trader SED all right let's get into it so finally am briefing number 200 that's exciting I'm really happy about that and uh let's get going so this morning's tip of the week it is not your job to predict price it is to follow price you don't need to be in the prediction business you need to be in the following business so do your job news drivers this week uh we got something here that's already happened or about to happen here in 2 minutes actually and um and of course the big event towards the end of the week I need to add it to this slide so I don't forget is the quarterly quad witching towards the end of the week and if you're looking for a beautiful 3-day weekend this is the weekend to take Friday off last week our core strategy 17 winners zero losers four break evens now caveat to the four break evens as you see in the slide right below it if you did not take the gift of Break Even it would have became a loser that's what the red GBE loser stands for if you didn't take the gift or break even it would have been a full loser so it could have been 17 and four and zero so um but the 17 winners were obvious the four break evens to me were obvious to take the break evens but if you didn't I continue to follow the trade did it become successful or would it been a full loser in this case it would have been a full loser so big strong level today would be 5457 careful with Longs below it is all Bulls until we take that out and that could represent a change of tone so guys if you like what we do here like And subscribe and consider becoming a member and joining us live on Zoom every morning to trade the ESN NQ charts seasonality well we can see what to tends to happen towards the end of the month but this is a presidential Year and that may not happen and when do things change we've got a a ladder below daily lows nothing really changes until that happens all right so let's go to the Chart so let me pull this in a little bit here so what happened overnight and I think that that is important what happened overnight well we stayed up here where we basically closed London took out the high London took out the low of Asia uh signifying EX dream chop um Asia took out this um low here and it looks like London took them all out and took out an Asia High I'm so sorry I said a low I meant a high we still have this rth high up here let me move this and spread this out a little bit so we've got this alltime high just setting up here and now we have this pool of liquidity and this pool of liquidity I would encourage you to have those on your chart let me open that up a little bit more yep and here's our bull bear line careful with Longs below and that is down there at that 57 so when we get down there it would be interesting to see what happens that completes that CPI Gap that we just couldn't take out we got to it a little bit and then we got to a little bit more then we got to it a little bit more and just couldn't close it I mean look at that I there's nothing magical about that level it's pretty obvious so if we take that out I would be careful with Longs below that's my note that I would put on your chart even if you're not in my group if you are in my group well it's on your strong indicator so um make sure you update your strong indicator cuz I updated that yesterday let's come over here and take a peek at everybody else Russell's down here in the lower distribution Dow's up here whoa I didn't even really notice enq made a new alltime high wow guys Bulls are in control don't predict price follow price forget what the number is here on the chart it matters not forget it just trade the candles as they develop and as new bounce levels develop we will trade the bounce levels hopefully with Trend and a great trade location and that is our game plan again today it is Monday it is see money take money and barely is it a trend day but could it be absolutely and we'll let the candlesticks tell tell us if that is going to happen now tomorrow morning uh we will be going live um so if you're not a member of the group and you wanted to check it out we will be YouTube live I will post the link in the first comment below so you can be notified when I go live um let me open this up just a little bit more so you can just see that we're three of us are in the upper distribution Russell doesn't really matter um but it is important to note all right guys that would be it I hope you have a successful trading day I'll see my Traders live on Zoom probably as soon as this video publishes green my friends and to learn more about our group go to micr


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