Thu AM Briefing Preparing For Our Emini Trading Room 06/27/2024
Preparing ES & NQ Traders
For Our Emini and Micros Futures Trading Room
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"Good morning, traders! Thursday, June 27th—man, the week's almost over. Today's quote: 'For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but the spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.' You certainly need self-discipline to be a successful trader. You've got to learn how to tell yourself no. Tell that inner child within you, 'Sit down and shut up. We're going to do this, not what you want to do, when you want to do it.' We're going to be patient. We're going to wait for our entry with capital P, capital A, capital Y—patience. That's right, that's what we're going to do today. If you'd like to join us, grab your Zoom pass or consider becoming a member. All right, let's get on it. Welcome to the AM briefing brought to you by, where together we trade better. Episode number 207—let's get right into it. News drivers today: 7:30, some final GDP and unemployment. My goal is to be live in our group for that. I don't know if I'm going to get it done before that happens. Tomorrow is PCE, plus end of the month, end of the quarter. And remember, next week is a holiday week towards the end. You're not going to want to trade Wednesday; you're off on Thursday, and Friday is nonfarm payroll. If I were you, take a full 5 days off. Consider joining my group; use those five days to earn your first four badges. And congratulations to Chris who earned his fourth badge last night. Good job, my friend! Alright, let's get a little deeper here. Tip of the day: Know when not to trade. Our system will keep you safe if you let it. And that's one of the things I absolutely love: when we're not supposed to be trading because of ugly PA, no level development, our system keeps you from trading. You just have to tell the little child within you, 'Sit down and shut up. We're going to be P A Y patience.' Yesterday, in the AM briefing, I gave you these levels. I mean, it's no magic, and where did we spend most of the day yesterday? Right there at them. Not shocking at all. Trade of the week—I don't know, could it possibly be that trade of the week? And I documented this beautiful short here on the price map on my website. So I think I might start keeping a new little section here. You've got the price map on the menu, scroll down, and then I've got the trade of the week. I was screenshotting it as we were doing it, or as I was doing it because I got in it pre-market, and all the way to a nice 20-point move, which was really sweet. So if you want to check that out, you can go to the price map and check that out. I'll also update an image of my chart before the trading begins—not the full chart, but whatever I want to share. That will also be on the price map. So yeah, that was the trade of the week. I want to make sure I mention that. Remember, Saturday morning, James, we're going to get on at 8:00 our time, and then everybody else at 10:00 Eastern. If you're in my group, you want to pop on Zoom. We're going to go through all the trades that existed this week for our 2024 metrics. If you like what we do, subscribe and consider becoming a member. And if I have enough energy, we're going to do the high-time-frame markup. If not, I will do that later in the weekend. Together we trade better and never trade alone. So let's get to the chart. I can get rid of you, and here we are on the chart. Let's go to a 10-minute chart here. And I don't really think there's anything that I need to update here. I mean, we are just in this multi-day slop and chop. We are coiling up tight; a big move is inbound for sure. So I want to move these lines over. You just hold down the command or control; it'll select all of those bad boys, and I'm going to slide them over. I'm going to slide them over. Actually, that was 4325. I'm going to slide them over to about my quitting time right there. Perfect. So what's this trend line that's drawn here? Well, yesterday when we were trading, I drew this out, and we—it tried to push here, and then we've come back in. We're lading up since. L is stacking on top of Asia; the Bulls are once again defending the price here. And in fact, you can almost look at this and say, 'Boy, they're defending it earlier and earlier.' Uh, for Price getting down here, so very interesting. I did try to get long down in here. I couldn't really—it didn't really give me a bounce level to do so, and I'm like, 'Oh well, go to bed. Wake up, there's another high-probability trade around the corner. You don't need them all.' But a very nice move here, but we're just right back in the muddy middle. Let's go to a 30-minute chart. I mean, let's look at this. I told the group yesterday, I said, 'I'm only interested in trading above the value area high and above the value area low. Let's see what happens here.' I was not going to trade in this chop. I only traded in the morning. I only had one RTH trade, and actually, I went long on MNQ, ended very well. So it was a small content day yesterday. I certainly didn't trade anywhere near full size, but I had that really nice short here, and then on INQ yesterday—I'll show you the trade I took. Might even still have my line there. Uh, no, this was yesterday. I took this long right here, exactly this long. Boom. I was hoping, of course, that it was going to break out and, you know, keep going north and take out the overnight high and all that stuff, but it did not happen. But that was the trade I took on MNQ yesterday. It was quite gorgeous. So, guys, we're just in SLO and chop. Please be careful today. I'm going to definitely try to trade the edges, knowing that tomorrow is a big data release. So this could just be a hum-drum, nothing day, and I hate it—it sounds so stupid to say it, but I've also seen the days before a big news event, it just really runs one direction and grabs all the liquidity. So, we will trade direction, trend, and trade location with clean, clear, crisp levels. I can't wait to trade with my guys. I'll see you soon. So, thank you, stay green, my friends. And to learn more about our group, go to"
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