Wed AM Briefing Preparing For Our Emini Trading Room 10/23/2024

Preparing ES & NQ Traders
For Our Emini and Micros Futures Trading Room

Today’s briefing from MicrosTrader highlights the unpredictable nature of recent trading, cautioning futures traders to stay patient and aware of market drivers like existing home sales and the Beige Book. Strategies discussed include navigating balance zones in ES MES Futures, with key levels guiding traders. The session also previewed an upcoming Foundations Course, aimed at equipping new traders with essential tools. Trading live on Zoom remains a core component of their strategy, fostering real-time collaboration and insight among participants.


  • 00:00 Welcome ES MES Futures Traders
  • 00:50 Tip of The Day
  • 01:30 Schedule
  • 02:00 News Drivers
  • 02:36 Yesterday Review
  • 04:30 Live Short
  • 05:30 ES Chart - Where Are We At?

▶️ Our Core Strategy Explained

▶️ $50 "Mini-Membership"

▶️ Zoom Pass

Emini Trading Room & Trading Academy

📣 Who Am I?

Lean in and listen to me... I’ll be candid and frank with you. I am NO "Guru," nor do I claim to have invented anything. What I did was combine several techniques, made a few tweaks specifically for ES, and voilà—the Core Strategy was born!

I’m a professional full-time MES Micro Futures Trader, leading other futures traders through live price action every day on Zoom. We trade our Core Strategy together as a team. Together we trade better! Come join us!

📋 Our System:

At the very core, we are “bounce traders.” We know with high certainty where the price will bounce, and we play those bounces. Sometimes they’re counter-trend, and sometimes they're with the trend. Personally, I love “With The Trend” trades—they offer the most juice for the squeeze.

🎳 My Sources:

Our system is a combination of several methods:

  • Cotton: His information is essential. Watch every video 2-3 times! Cotton wrote "the book"—I trade it with ES/MES. I strongly recommend my traders watch ALL of Cotton's videos and join his Discord. If Cotton still offers mentorship, join that too. If you're interested in trading MES/ES using Cotton + Market Profile + ICT Concepts, join our trading room.
  • Cotton Videos:
  • ICT (2022 Mentorship): ICT is a madman, but his mentorship is invaluable.
  • ICT Videos:
  • Market Profile: ShadowTrader, Paul Asmar from CamelBack Trading, and Dalton.

These three systems combined form our complete scalping strategy.

Interested in joining a trading group that follows this philosophy?



I am NOT a financial adviser. I don’t promise anything but education. Results are not guaranteed. I don’t know your level of experience or whether you can handle the emotional aspect of trading. Only YOU can determine if you are coachable. Trading is emotionally challenging, and being part of a group helps. I will guide you to start smart by starting small with a high-probability system. Paper trade first until you feel ready for the next step. Risk nothing while learning.

CFTC Disclosures:

Futures and options trading carries significant risks and potential rewards. Only trade with money you can afford to lose. Past performance is not indicative of future results.


Hypothetical or simulated performance results have limitations and are not representative of actual trading. Simulated results may not account for certain market factors like liquidity. No representation is made that any account will achieve similar profits or losses.

Testimonials Disclosure:

Testimonials on this website are not necessarily representative of all clients or customers and are not a guarantee of future performance.

▶️ Membership Options      
▶️Youtube Community Updates             
▶️ Website for ES MES Trading Room (Back Up)


Welcome ES MES Futures Traders

Good morning, everyone! Welcome to the AM briefing brought to you by Together we trade better, together we are stronger, and together we fight. So, let's get into it!

Today's Reflection

Be completely humble, gentle, and patient, bearing with one another in love. I love that sentiment! It’s a great reminder to approach trading with humility and patience. Welcome to AM Briefing #288. We are in the ES MES Futures Trading room, trading live Monday through Friday on Zoom. Be sure to check us out at

Tip of the Day

Today's tip: Trade in wacky price action (PA), and you can expect wacky results. Yesterday was wild! I kept thinking, "This is no thank you price action." I took a couple of trades, ended up with small gains, but I didn’t trust the price action at all. I’ll share a couple of trades from yesterday—one was live on YouTube. The next YouTube live stream will be next Tuesday, so be sure to subscribe to the channel and hit the notification bell to stay updated!

Mental Training & Schedule

Today is Wednesday, and it’s our last mental training session of the week. Join us one hour before the market opens on Zoom—these sessions have been fantastic. Also, remember the pre-market reminder session starts 20 minutes before the market opens. I’ll wrap up after that, as I have an appointment this afternoon.

News Drivers

Today’s key events include existing home sales, which will be reported 30 minutes after the market opens. Additionally, the Beige Book at 1:00 PM Central Time might cause market reactions due to the ongoing discussions around interest rates. If you're trading this afternoon, keep an eye on this event. Make sure your time settings are correct on Forex Factory for the latest updates.

Yesterday's Review

Yesterday, I gave the group specific levels—68 and 81—during our live session on Zoom. I advised against shorting above 81 and recommended going long if we stayed above that level. I took a long position at 62 and captured half of that move, which proved to be the right decision. I also tried shorting at 02 but decided to break even after a couple of attempts.

Despite the small gains yesterday, I followed my trading rules, which will lead to success over time. In the overnight session, I gave the group my strategy, but the market bounced off 81 and never made the expected move. Currently, I’m short on one contract, and we’ll see how it plays out. If it goes up more than two points, I’ll tighten my stop to protect the gain.

ES Chart – Where Are We At?

We are in a multi-day balance, as shown on the 15-minute chart. I’ve marked the value area high at 1150 and the value area low at 8175. These levels define a significant chop zone, so be cautious. I’m currently short at 81, which goes against trade location rules, but I’m managing the risk carefully. My target is 74–75, and possibly down to 68.

Foundations Course Preview

I’m developing a new Foundations Course to help new traders. Before accessing the course, you’ll recite a Day Trader's Pledge. If you’re not in my group or are new to trading, this free course will introduce you to key trading concepts. It’s also a great refresher for existing members. Some topics include leverage metrics, S&P contract basics, and risk management. I’m excited to release it soon!

Good luck today, and I’ll see my traders live on Zoom one hour before the market opens for mental training. Stay green, my friends!





  • AM Briefing Overview
    Today's AM briefing highlights the importance of humility and patience in trading. The room trades live on Zoom Monday through Friday, offering insights into ES MES Futures.
  • Tip of the Day
    Yesterday's unpredictable price action led to cautious trades. Traders are advised to manage expectations in wacky market conditions.
  • Upcoming News
    Key market-moving events today include existing home sales data and the Beige Book, with interest rate discussions likely impacting afternoon trading.
  • Trading Insights
    The ES market remains in a balance zone. Key levels and volume profiles suggest cautious positioning, with trades being planned accordingly.
  • Foundations Course Preview
    A new free course is being developed to help new traders learn essential futures trading skills.



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