Futures Traders Guide To Losses: The Secret No One Wants To Hear

Taking a Daily Loss Limit: A Learning Experience

Today, I hit my daily loss limit live on Zoom, and I want to share some important lessons. Losses are an inevitable part of trading—there is no such thing as a 100% foolproof system. What matters is how you take the loss and how you recover from it.

Key Takeaways on Losses and Recovery

  • Losses Are Inevitable: Every trader will experience losses. It’s crucial to have your stops in place and adhere to them.
  • Honor Your Daily Loss Limit: The most important rule in trading is to know and respect your daily loss limit. This principle is covered in detail in my Leverage Metrics Training, available in the free Foundations Course. If you fail to honor this rule, you risk blowing your account on volatile days and cutting short your trading career.
  • Stops Are Insurance: Stops are a necessary cost of doing business. They protect your trading capital and allow you to trade another day without significant financial or emotional damage.
  • Trade Like a Professional Risk Manager: A successful trader is essentially a risk manager. Accept losses gracefully, as they are part of the game. Be proud when you stick to your daily loss limit—this discipline proves your professionalism.

Lessons from Today

Today was a challenging trading day. The market dropped 50 points within the first nine minutes after hours of laddering up. While I expected an inventory adjustment and was prepared for a potential long trade at specific levels, the extreme volatility following Nvidia's earnings made this an outlier event.

Some critical lessons I learned:

  • Avoid trading within the first six minutes of the RTH (Regular Trading Hours) session. No meaningful levels are established, making it a risky time to trade.
  • Be cautious about relying on overnight levels during high-volume RTH sessions. Low-volume overnight levels often cannot withstand RTH volume.
  • Recognize irrational price action, such as 8-point candles, and wait for the market to stabilize before re-entering. My rule is to wait for two bounces without a new 8-point candle before trading again.

A Trader's Role: Be a Professional Loser

If someone asks what you do for a living, consider saying, "I'm a professional loser." This isn’t a joke—it's the essence of trading. Your job is to manage risk and take losses at a scale that allows you to return the next day with your confidence intact.

Practical Steps to Improve

  • Stick to your trading rules, especially the daily loss limit.
  • Use stops as a tool to gather information about the market.
  • Understand the impact of news events like earnings announcements, and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Avoid emotional and financial damage by stepping away after hitting your loss limit.

Losses happen, but the key is learning from them. Today’s loss reinforced the importance of patience and respecting market conditions.




Today's volatile trading session underscored the critical importance of adhering to a daily loss limit. After facing a steep 50-point drop in the market's opening minutes, I was reminded of the dangers of early RTH trades and relying on overnight levels during high-volume sessions. Losses are an inevitable part of trading, but discipline and risk management can safeguard both your financial and emotional well-being. By treating losses as learning opportunities, traders can refine their strategies and build long-term resilience in the market.


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