Tue AM Briefing Preparing For Our Emini MIcros Futrues Trading Room 11/12/2024

Preparing ES Emini & MES Micros Traders
For Our Emini and Micros Futures Trading Room

In a morning briefing, futures traders at MicrosTrader were reminded to stay thankful and to avoid rushing into shorts in a market with limited sellers. As the CPI release approaches, today’s post-holiday trading could bring volatile price action, highlighting the need for caution. Traders were also advised to be mindful of potential consolidation following recent upward moves. MicrosTrader offers live trading guidance, helping members navigate real-time price action. RESOURCES:
▶️ Free "Futures Foundations Course"             
▶️ Membership Options      
▶️Youtube Community Updates             
▶️ Website for ES MES Trading Room (Back Up)


Welcome, ES and MES Futures Traders

Good morning, traders, and happy Tuesday, November 12th! Today, let's continue with our theme of thankfulness, inspired by Colossians 4:2: "Being watchful and thankful." Every day offers something worth appreciating, even the small things. If you can open your refrigerator and grab a Dr. Pepper, be grateful. If you have the freedom to vote, be thankful. Let’s carry this attitude into our trading journey.

AM Briefing #32

Welcome to the AM Briefing #32, where our goal is to trade better together. We’re an ES and MES futures trading room, providing a free foundational course and an advanced course that’s available to all members. Check us out at MicrosTrader.com.

Tip of the Day

Today’s tip: You don’t need to be the first one short. This market currently lacks sellers, so don’t feel compelled to initiate a short position at the first sign. Accept that you might miss the first significant short. The market will open again tomorrow, providing another opportunity.

When analyzing the chart, avoid looking only for shorts; instead, map out your next long and next short positions. The market is experiencing a strong upward (parabolic) trend—don’t counter it prematurely. By joining us live on Zoom, we can navigate these decisions together as they unfold in real-time.

News Drivers

Now, what about today’s news drivers? Tomorrow is the Consumer Price Index (CPI) release, while today follows a bank holiday, typically leading to volatile and potentially dangerous price action. We’ll be live tomorrow for the CPI release, one hour before the market opens.

Today’s Schedule:

  • 30 minutes before market open: Mental training session, continuing our reading of Annie Duke’s Thinking in Bets.
  • 10 minutes before market open: Daily reminder.
  • 11:00 AM: We’ll either be managing an active position or taking a mental break to preserve our trading focus for the week.

ES Chart Analysis: Where Are We Now?

Overnight, we saw a series of movements around the new week opening gap, oscillating up and down before spiking back north. This behavior reflects the lack of sellers, as even minor support levels push prices back up with force.

If you’re considering a counter-trend trade, remember that the first trade after a liquidity grab is especially risky. In our Zoom sessions, we emphasize caution with initial counter trades following liquidity grabs, as these are often more powerful than typical levels. Trade small, manage risk, and expect that some trades may end in a loss. Stick to proper position sizing, and remember that while price rarely follows through, a strong move can result in significant gains.

Summary of Current Market Position

Overnight, we observed sideways trading, a liquidity grab near yesterday's close, and a rebound off a significant level. Will this move sustain? Watching how price reacts at key levels today will offer clues about future directions. Currently, we’re in a strong uptrend, although recent price action has largely mirrored Friday’s range, suggesting potential consolidation. Given the strength of this upward trend, there may be limited support to lean on, so be cautious in establishing strong levels this week.

Final Thoughts

We’re witnessing a euphoric move to the north. You don’t need to be the first one short; instead, exercise patience. For guidance and live trading support, join our community at MicrosTrader.com. Stay green, and if you’d like to learn more, visit us at MicrosTrader.com.



futures trading, ES futures, MES futures, day trading, trading room, liquidity grab, parabolic move, chart analysis, price action, mental training, risk management, market drivers, CPI release, trade setups, euphoric market, MicrosTrader.com


  • Gratitude and Trading: Embrace gratitude daily, appreciating even small freedoms as we approach trading.
  • AM Briefing Focus: We’re here to trade better together in an ES/MES futures trading room with resources like a free and advanced course.
  • Today’s Trading Tip: Don’t rush to short the market; position carefully and prepare to miss initial moves.
  • News Impact: Tomorrow’s CPI release may drive volatility; today’s post-bank holiday market may be risky.
  • Chart Insights: Market remains bullish, with recent moves suggesting consolidation—exercise caution with counter-trend trades.



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