ES MES Futures Trading: Key Levels, Tips, Technical Analysis. Thursday "AM Briefing"

Preparing ES Emini & MES Micros Traders
For Our Emini and Micros Futures Trading Room

In today's AM briefing, traders were advised to remain aggressive in profit-taking when countering market control. The morning’s key market driver was the PPI report, with a live YouTube analysis planned ahead of market open. Yesterday’s trade recap highlighted a well-executed three-contract long trade, netting 10, 30, and 50-point gains, though the final runner was stopped out in the Asian session. A notable takeaway was TradingView's limited trailing stop-loss functionality, which is only available with select brokers. Traders are encouraged to join live discussions to strategize for the trading day ahead. RESOURCES:
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AM Briefing Video

Presented by – Where together, we trade better.

Good Morning, Traders!

Good morning, everybody!

This Week's Scripture

Micah 6:8

"Mankind, He has told you what is good and what it is the Lord requires of you: to act justly, to love faithfulness, and to walk humbly with your God."

Tip of the Day

When you are counter to the market control, be aggressive in your take profit. In other words, if the Bears are in control and you go long, be quick to lock in profits. Similarly, if the Bulls are in control and you go short, be aggressive in taking profits.

How do you determine who controls the market? It takes experience, often referred to as "butt time" in front of the charts. Alternatively, you can join a group like ours at, where we help traders stay on the right side of price action.

Today's Market Drivers

The Producer Price Index (PPI) is the key economic event today. I will be live on YouTube for the "Where Are We At" segment of the AM Briefing and to analyze the PPI reaction candle.

This morning, we will go over our standard AM briefing topics, including a recap of yesterday's price action.

Earnings Report

Earnings today (Thursday) are relatively quiet, with nothing particularly exciting to highlight.

Yesterday's Market Recap

Yesterday presented a beautiful short opportunity, but I missed that trade. My focus was either on breaking above the PPI wick and laddering up or dropping down to grab liquidity before a ladder back up.

  • I entered a long trade at 6575 with three contracts.
  • I took one contract off at 73.7, locking in quick profits on a bounce.
  • When price continued higher, Jackie was also in the long trade and took off a top runner for 50 points—great job, Jackie!

Trade Execution & Strategy

I still had two contracts left. Price tested support twice before running back up, so I placed my second take-profit order at a 30-point profit. The trade hit my target.

At the time, I was researching whether TradingView offered a trailing stop-loss feature. It turns out TradingView only supports trailing stops with certain broker agreements. Since I use TradeStation and TastyTrade, neither broker offers this feature through TradingView.

Final Runner Management

  • After securing a 10-point and a 30-point gain, I let my final runner ride since we were building a solid base and had grabbed liquidity.
  • Price made a new high, so I wanted to give it a chance to break out further.
  • Overnight Session: The market opened with strong laddering, which I updated the group about.
  • As price continued laddering cleanly, I moved my stop accordingly.

When the Asian session opened, I knew it would either ladder through or pull back. It pulled back and stopped me out at 50 points.

Final Results

For three micros, it was a solid trading day. I had another trade somewhere in there, but overall, the profit was strong, minus commissions.

Join Me Live on YouTube!

I will be going live 15 minutes before the market opens to discuss key trade setups and market scenarios. The link is in the description and the first comment.

Stay green, my friends! To learn more about our group, visit



futures trading, MES trading, E-mini S&P 500, price action trading, market analysis, day trading strategies, trailing stop loss, trading psychology, trade execution, liquidity grab, PPI report, trading view, futures day trading, profit-taking strategies, trade laddering, trading setups, overnight trading, earnings reports, live market analysis


  • Market Recap & Trade Review – Yesterday’s market presented a strong short opportunity, but the focus was on price laddering and liquidity grabs.
  • Trade Execution & Profit Strategy – A three-contract long trade was executed with a 10-point, 30-point, and 50-point profit-taking strategy.
  • Trailing Stop-Loss Research – TradingView’s trailing stop loss is only available with select brokers, which excludes TradeStation and TastyTrade.
  • Overnight Market Movement – The Asian session was expected to either push through or pull back; it ultimately stopped out the final runner at 50 points.
  • Live Market Discussion – Join me 15 minutes before the market opens on YouTube for real-time analysis and trade planning.



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