
Showing posts from January, 2023

ES Trading Tool: Cool Trick With StreamDeck for Futures Traders

ADDITIONAL NOTES: I use my streamdeck for lots of ES Futures Trading. I mark levels, breaks, holds, trend, .... Using a stream deck speeds up my trading because I am fiddling with the mouse MUCH less. Thus, more efficiency. With my simple scalping system for treading ES EMini and MES Micro, it really speeds things up. TRANSCRIPT OF VIDEO: ( Don't Read )Good morning ES Emini Futures Rraders. I want to show you one of the weird. Things I use my stream deck for. So here it is. Um this is my first page where I can switch timeframes real easily I can draw lines I can draw my last line buttons I use often. Refresh, um, you know undo. Launch these different applications. My a trade of eight, my trading view. Bring my discord to the front bring my. Um Google Chrome to the front. my zoom link, the disclaimer I use inside of our discord group. Um when it's time to get on zoom Uh, controlling whether I'm on the mic or I'm recording. All kinds of things but one of them is called ...

ES Emini Futures Strategy: Daily Loss Limit and Leverage

  TRANSCRIPT: Okay let's talk about trading futures contracts. On the SNP. In regards to your daily loss limit and your leverage how do those things relate? Well we need to know three things I need to know your daily loss limit. How many trades you're willing to take as a loss. And what is your stop loss? Those are the three things. You need to know. In fact let me make a little note here. Three things you must know. This is what is your daily loss limit…That's. for everybody. What's your stop loss…And the home mini. Trades are you willing…to lose with these three numbers We can determine exactly how you should trade. And we're going to talk about three scenarios with number three My favorite. So let's say you were willing to take a 300. Dollar daily loss limit. You're willing to take three losing trades and you have a strict six point stop-loss. Now all we have to do with some math. Well one MES. If we're going to lose six points, you're going to...

Core Strategy: ES Emini Trading System

SUMMARY: George is discussing a core strategy for trading the E-mini S&P (E-S Emini) and the M-E-S micro futures contract on They claim that the strategy is not arbitrary, but rather a system where they know exactly when and under what conditions to enter trades. They call themselves "bounce traders," meaning they look for price to bounce off certain levels and take trades based on that. They prefer taking trades in the direction of the trend, as it offers more profit potential. George mentions that the core strategy is four-fold, combining cotton candy TA, ICT, market profile, and price action. They recommend watching a presentation they did for a famous options group and suggest that viewers check out cotton candy TA on YouTube to learn more about the system. They also offer a boot camp training bundle to speed up the learning process. The speaker emphasizes that they have adapted the strategy to work well with the E-mini S&P futures and suggests p...

ES Futures Trading Strategy

Youtube Channel I: Youtube Channel II:  Welcome to Micros Trader.  As a trading group we analyze ES price action live via zoom each morning, from Market Open Til New York Lunch, looking for the same… predictable… 3-5 trade set ups. We typically get 30-45 set ups a week with a 90%+ win rate - your mileage may vary significantly and in no way is this a promise - it is past results we have experienced personally.  We draw horizontal bounce lines. We play the bounces off those lines, looking for multiple confluences that gives the levels extra bounce power. Before entering a trade we analyze the price action, and lett trend dictate our leverage. We tend to favor trades with the trend but we do extremely well in chop too - with much lower leverage of course.  Our core trading strategy for scalping S&P Futures…. is a blend of techniques taught by Cotton Candy TA, ICT, and Market Profile Auction Principles. These principles coupled with years of reading ES price acti...

Core ES Emini | MES Micro Scalping Training Strategy

 South of Texas Motor Speedway Thursday, 8:37 a.m. Welcome to Micros Trader. This is an online community of futures traders who scalp the S&P MES/ES futures. I have no clue how you found this site but this could possibly, maybe, change your life. Trading is HARD. It is! But, we are here to make it simple. Give me ONE month and you will stay in our little group for a lifetime. Trading with a group of professionals with the same goals with the same trading system is delightful and refreshing. We have an active Discord Group and we Zoom each AM from Market Open to Noon EST charting, trading, and supporting each other.  NOTE: If you don't have a Discord account, you will want to create one. It is kinda like facebook groups, if you have facebook. It is our own little group where we interact, ask questions, post pictures, have contests (like the 20 point club, the 30 point club, ...), post our wins, exchange ideas, grow, share, and help each other. We are a community of professi...