Thursday AM Briefing Preparing Emini Traders For Our Live Trading Room TRANSCRIPT: Welcome to the AM briefing video presented by, where together we trade better. All right, happy Thursday, the final trading day of the week. So let's talk about several things. Number one, in my group yesterday, I had this little yellow sticky thing with me that was there before the market opens. And the number one thing I said yesterday is the risk of short covering is high. What does that mean? That means if you take a short, do not add to a losing trade. Do not add to a losing trade. Do not add to a losing trade. Do not move your stop loss. Do not move your stop loss. Do not move your stop loss. Do not make things worse, because the risk of short covering is high. There is no greater force known to man, let's hear it, than short covering. And I'm pretty good at helping people know when those conditions really exist. For a little bit here, it looked like they were going to take this thing down, and that's w...