
Showing posts from March, 2024

Thursday AM Briefing Preparing Emini Traders For Our Live Trading Room

Image TRANSCRIPT: Welcome to the AM briefing video presented by, where together we trade better. All right, happy Thursday, the final trading day of the week. So let's talk about several things. Number one, in my group yesterday, I had this little yellow sticky thing with me that was there before the market opens. And the number one thing I said yesterday is the risk of short covering is high. What does that mean? That means if you take a short, do not add to a losing trade. Do not add to a losing trade. Do not add to a losing trade. Do not move your stop loss. Do not move your stop loss. Do not move your stop loss. Do not make things worse, because the risk of short covering is high. There is no greater force known to man, let's hear it, than short covering. And I'm pretty good at helping people know when those conditions really exist. For a little bit here, it looked like they were going to take this thing down, and that's w...

Wednesday AM Briefing For ES Emini and MES Futures Trading Room

Image TRANSCRIPT: "Welcome to the AM briefing video presented by where together we trade better. Good morning, and make no mistake about it, the Bulls are firmly in control. Look at what happened overnight. So, we flushed down really nice, taking back a set of single prints, and we are loading up. We have gone to the strong line, bounced, came over top, bounced off the top, and now we're all the way to the next strong level, which was the meat of this chop yesterday, and we are back in the meat of the chop, can you believe it? Now, the overnight session did take out these set of single prints, but it really doesn't count till RTH. But what I'm going to do is I'm going to move these guys over here, just out of the way, and just keep them as a note. So, I like to move levels to the right side when that happens. This area here, between the strong level and this afternoon high, is going to be the area of the most...

Tuesday AM Briefing for Emini Training Room

Image Transcript: "Welcome to the AM briefing video presented by, where together we trade better. Alright, good morning, good morning, good morning, happy Tuesday, March the 26th. So let's review yesterday, which was this horrible day of price action. So as far as my second know, we went from the biggest week of the year to the smallest day of the year, unbelievable! The biggest week to the smallest day. So yesterday morning, I gave on YouTube this strong level. Boy, did this strong level play out? You bet. And then if you're in my group, I get you got this strong level, and boy did that play out. We literally bounced the whole day just between these two strong levels, which was really cool. So yesterday was just a small day for me. I took this short when we came up here, and then I was in a long for this, and then I said, 'That's it, I'm out.' Um, at the end of the day, you get this just flush, um, taking out these...

Monday AM Briefing For. ESEmini and MES Futures Trading Room

Image TRANSCRIPT: Welcome to the AM briefing video presented by, where together we trade better. All right, happy Monday, March 25th for the AM briefing. So, I was up early this morning; my daughter knocked on my door and was sick. So, I said, "Well, let's watch the chart," and I took a nice little short this morning at 90.2, captured two points, and then it dropped harder, of course, right? But I published to the group last night this strong range, and if you zoom in on a 3-minute chart, it has performed beautifully. But when I enter this trade, I did it small, I did it one contract, and I follow price at 50%. Here's what that means: let's say I enter a trade here, and price moves in my direction. Well, the goal is that at some point, I'm going to be able to develop a protection layer so that if price comes back to it, price bounces, my stop will be behind the protection layer. And as price continues to...

Friday AM Briefing for Futures Trading Room

Image TRANSCRIPT: Welcome to the AM briefing video presented by, where together we trade better. Alright, let’s do something a little different this morning, mainly because I’m off to a late start. I literally just turned on my trading view, so let’s look at this chart together at the same time. So, let’s do this. Let’s go to a 30-minute chart. I always like to zoom out just a little bit first to get started. I want to remove our POC, which is way up here. So, let’s go ahead and mark this POC from yesterday, which is at 1750. So, we’re going to call this “Thursday POC.” Let’s make this white for informational labels for me. Now, let’s go down to a 10-minute chart. So, yesterday, the most important thing for the Bulls to hold was London’s low, Asia’s low, and then there was the overnight low in the maintenance period. It didn’t matter. And this high. These were the important areas when we got into the Asian London session. That’s what...

How I Traded FOMC + Thursday AM Briefing

Image TRANSCRIPT: "Welcome to the AM briefing video presented by where together, we trade better. Alright, let's review yesterday. At our essence, we are bounce traders. We wait until price hits our levels and we're very good at predicting where price will most likely bounce. So yesterday, I really had two main trades and did well on both. I shared this one with you yesterday. At lunch, I took this short here and then I took this short right there. Here were my two trades on that short at 47 and short at 66 and did well. Then after that short, we're watching price. I thought most likely if I was going to be a little bit more of a gambling man, it's going to bounce right back off the strong level. I did not take that long, but it was beautiful to see. And then I believe I shared this last week, but about our large four-hour range that we had. And it came back and tested the top of that range with a nice reaction. I didn'...

When To Counter Trade an Up Trend + FOMC AM Briefing

Image   TRANSCRIPT: Welcome to the AM briefing video presented by, where together we trade better! Alright, happy FOMC morning! We are on the ES chart on TradingView, and this is the view I want to start out with. So today is FOMC. There are 250 trading days a year. Do you need to trade today? Do you need to trade full size today? Both of those questions, the answer is no. You do not need to trade today, and you certainly do not need to trade full size today. So, be careful. It’s a level 10 trading day. We’re going to review Tuesday, which was a surprising trend day. We started out in this tiny little range. I would expect trading to have been horrible the rest of the day, being the day before FOMC. Then we turned out to have a trend day with four sets of single prints. Crazy! Today’s tip has to center around what I know some traders struggled with, and that is when do you counter trade? Obviously, it was a trend day with stren...

Tuesday Day Before FOMC AM Brifing

Image Transcript:  “Welcome to the AM Briefing video presented by, where together we trade better. All right, good morning, happy Tuesday, the day before the granddaddy of all news events, FOMC. So, I wanted to start here. This is the screen that has my indices on them, and I haven’t changed these lines yet. These are still Friday’s lines: the low, the halfback, and the high. And, um, I just thought it was interesting. We’re so Russell is under, and the other guys are basically at the halfback of Friday. So, we’re just in this huge consolidation type of range, ready to break out and do something big, most likely make new highs. That’s the trend that we’ve been on for a long time, most likely make new highs. Although we were lading down most of the day yesterday, we never got back into yesterday’s range. Let me go back here. So, this was yesterday’s session. We never got back into Friday’s range. Okay, we gapped up, ...

Friday AM Briefing OPEX Plus SPY Ex-Dividend

Image Transcript: Welcome to the AM briefing video presented by, where together we trade better. Okay, let’s review our Friday rules. First thing is, do not give your week back on Friday. Don’t do it, don’t do it. Use a smaller daily stop limit, only risk a percentage of your weekly profits. Go into the weekend a winner. Well, good morning, good morning. Sorry for the late start. Obviously, I’m not feeling that great this morning, sure you can hear it in my voice. I can certainly hear it in my voice and feel it in my body. So what happened yesterday? Yesterday, we opened up with vomit candles, and I was advising my guys, my traders, do not trade this, do not trade this, do not trade this. We had two massive candles in a row and then we played very well, in my opinion, with the strong levels that I gave you. I gave them to you on Wednesday, so I feel like we played very well with these strong levels, which I was pleased with. ...

Wednesday AM Briefing Preparing Emini Traders For Our Live Trading Room

Image Transcript: "Welcome to the AM briefing preparing you to trade live in our E-mini trading room at Microstr Docomo. Good morning! Good morning! I slept like a baby and just made a fresh pot of coffee and hit the charts early this morning. I am just excited, so I can't wait to trade. Although today is the day after a big move and the day before a big number, so I don't know how much to expect today. One thing we expected yesterday was ranges and volatility with CPI, part of the trifecta of news events I talk about. So, let's review yesterday because I think it was significant. In all honesty, I took a very nice short here and got paid well. I did it with some decent leverage and got paid well. For me, decent leverage means I did my full allotment of leverage. I typically trade my first entry with the smallest leverage, and then I try to add to my winners. I do not add to losers; I add to winners. But this time, I did my full ...
Image Transcript: “Welcome to the AM briefing, preparing you to trade live in our E-mini trading room at Well, yesterday was just fantastic, and today is Happy CPI Tuesday, so we will see what the day presents. We will be live on Zoom before the CPI candle. So, on Sunday, we sat down and drew some levels together, and did they bounce? Yeah, they bounced. In fact, on our Zoom, we basically called out three trades: long here, short here, long here. Day done, boom boom boom, three shots, three kills, you’re done. So, yesterday was just fantastic. I missed this long by a tick. This was my winner, the one that made my juice. I went long here, and this just added, and it was fantastic, just a beautiful day. And then in the afternoon, there’s no way I’m going to trade the afternoon the day before CPI. But just another gorgeous bounce. I hadn’t even really looked at the charts this morning in any kind of detail because it doesn’t mat...

Monday CPI AM Briefing For ES Emini and MES Futures Trading Room | ES Emini Price Action Trading System Using MES Micro Futures

Image TRANCSCTIP: “Welcome to the AM briefing, preparing you to trade live in our E-mini trading room at All right, good morning, good morning. I’m off to a little bit of a late start this morning. Fames on spring break, normal alarms didn’t go off—time change. Nice cool weather, sleeping with the windows open. Oh my goodness, it is delightful. So today’s pre-market video is actually really simple. Tomorrow, CPI. Last week, we had a pretty wild week. Friday was a pretty wild day, and it’s the day before CPI. So, it seems like it would be a rest day for the market, but we’ll see what happened. So Asia went here, London went just a little under it. Let’s take a peek at everybody else. Here’s everybody else. I need to change these. So here’s the halfback area. What is everybody else doing in relation to Friday’s halfback? Well, INQ and ES are under, even yesterday’s low. Dow was under yesterday’s low. NQ is just, I mean, and Ru...

Continuous Contract + Roll Over Adjustments ES ESM2024

Image TRANSCRIPT: Helping Futures Traders Via Our Core Strategy Academy Training Program and Futures Trading Group – The Best Emini Group IMHO. “All right, happy Sunday afternoon. Let’s talk about the continuous ES contract versus the M contract. So this is the continuous right now, and you can see estimated volume 2.6, and the June contract received 1.2—a significant jump up from the prior day. So it’s time to start rolling over and trading the M contract. Let’s look at the M contract versus the Continuous contract a little closer. So here’s the continuous contract, and TradingView went ahead and switched over, and you’ve got that gap. That happens every time there’s a switch over. Now, an ES trader that I respect always uses the back adjust button. So let’s push the back adjust button, and what that does is it pulls the price up to meet it and just readjust everything. Now let’s compare this ES continuous contract with the back adjustment t...

How To Mark Your Chart For Futures Trading

Source TRANSCRIPT:  "Welcome Emini Traders To Our Trading Room. Welcome to the AM Briefing, preparing you to trade live in our E-mini trading room at Well, today got all the more interesting. Trading View has gone ahead and switched contracts, as they always do, prematurely in my opinion. So here from the CME website, we can see that the March contract still has significantly more volume than the June, and then of course, you can see September and December. So significantly more volume still in the March contract. I have switched my chart from the Continuous to the H contract. I keep it on the continuous. When we switch over, I'll still be on the continuous. It will show a monster gap, and it's no big deal. I just start charting new levels. It's not the end of the world. I just like to keep it on the continuous chart. So, realize Trading View has switched; it did not gap up today. And then today, not only do we have today...

Thursday AM Briefing For ES Emini and MES Futures Trading Room

Image Transcript: "Welcome, Emini Trading Room Traders. Welcome to the AM briefing, preparing you to trade live in our E-mini Trading Room at All right, good morning. For me, it's a second good morning because I happened to wake up just before the London session, and I said, 'Let's go trade.' And so, I went long at 5088. I'd love to say I was in this entire run, but I was not. In fact, I just got out of a short right here in my Leap account. So, let's look at the chart. I'll tell you what; London is just amazing lately. It has been the session to trade. Look at this London session. This one, boy, London has been the session to trade lately. It's just been fantastic, in all honesty. So, where do my eyes go on this chart? Well, the first thing that comes to mind is, 'Where are we?' Here, which is basically the London close, RT low, the overnight high. And then my eyes come way over here...