
Showing posts from July, 2024

Wed AM Briefing Preparing For Our Emini Trading Room 07/31/2024

Preparing ES & NQ Traders For Our Emini and Micros Futures Trading Room RESOURCES:             ▶️ ES Price Map (Single Prints, VPOCS, News Drivers,...)             ▶️ Youtube Community Updates             ▶️ Website for ES MES Trading Room (Back Up) TRANSCRIPT: Good morning, everybody! Good morning, good morning! Happy FOMC day! May interest rates always go in your direction. Absolutely, what a big day today is! We will be live this morning and this afternoon. Today's quote is from the Amplified Bible. The only reason I use this version today is that I want to make sure you know about the Amplified Bible. It adds extra information for clarity, providing synonyms and similar words. "He chose us in Christ," and then you see the brackets: " before the foundation of the world so that we would be holy." You ...

Tue AM Briefing Preparing For Our Emini Trading Room 07/30/2024

Preparing ES & NQ Traders For Our Emini and Micros Futures Trading Room Weather and Forecast: The speaker starts by discussing the weather, noting that storms are expected to move in, although it's currently sunny and 72 degrees in SPX town. They mention preparing for FC tomorrow. Scripture Reflection: A scripture from the first chapter of Ephesians is shared, focusing on the phrase "eyes of the heart" and the importance of asking for enlightenment when studying scripture. Trading Strategy: The main advice given is to be patient and consider a "one trade and done" strategy, aiming to finish trading by 10:00 AM to have the rest of the day free. The importance of not over-trading and being content with a successful single trade is emphasized. Market Outlook: The speaker notes that it's a level 10 trading week with significant market events like the consumer confidence report, JOLTS job report, and FOMC announcement. They advise caution, particularl...

Mon AM Briefing Preparing For Our Emini Trading Room 07/29/2024

Preparing ES & NQ Traders For Our Emini and Micros Futures Trading Room RESOURCES:             ▶️ ES Price Map (Single Prints, VPOCS, News Drivers,...)             ▶️ Youtube Community Updates             ▶️ Website for ES MES Trading Room (Back Up) TRANSCRIPT: Good morning, everybody! Are you ready? When the first candle on Sunday night's an eight-point candle on a three-minute chart, you know you're in for it for the week. Wow, what a high-volatility week we had last week! And, uh, I expect nothing short of that this week. Today's quote truly has to do with my weekend. I have an 18-year-old daughter who thinks she's going on 30 and decided to challenge every family value we have. It was quite the weekend, my friends—raising teenage daughters is not for the faint of heart. Well, the thing I had to...

Fri AM Briefing Preparing For Our Emini Trading Room 07/26/2024

Preparing ES & NQ Traders For Our Emini and Micros Futures Trading Room RESOURCES:             ▶️ ES Price Map (Single Prints, VPOCS, News Drivers,...)             ▶️ Youtube Community Updates             ▶️ Website for ES MES Trading Room (Back Up) TRANSCRIPT: Good morning, gentlemen. Good morning, ladies. It's pretty amazing—I'll tell my wife: "You know, the worst thing that hurts a trader is adding to a losing trade." She says, "Why would anyone do that?" I said, "You need to attend the boot camp. Let's get you trading." So, level 10 weeks starting today. I warned my group on Sunday: level 10 trading this week. Uncertainty is going to lead to volatility; it's a day trader's delight, but you've got to trade perfectly. So today's quote: "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be...

Thu AM Briefing Preparing For Our Emini Trading Room 07/25/2024

h1> Preparing ES & NQ Traders For Our Emini and Micros Futures Trading Room RESOURCES:             ▶️ ES Price Map (Single Prints, VPOCS, News Drivers,...)             ▶️ Youtube Community Updates             ▶️ Website for ES MES Trading Room (Back Up) TRANSCRIPT: good morning everybody good morning good morning I've been up since 3:00 a.m. price hit one of my targets I'm like let me get up and watch so I've been up at it early all right today's quote I put this in our group yesterday actually I thought I would use it for today Rejoice not against me oh my enemy when I fall I shall rise when I sit in darkness the Lord shall be a light upon me when I fall I shall arise you had a tough day yesterday you will arise You Will Come From the Ashes so I believe in that I believe in you if you're in our ...

Wed AM Briefing Preparing For Our Emini Trading Room 07/24/2024

Preparing ES & NQ Traders For Our Emini and Micros Futures Trading Room RESOURCES:             ▶️ ES Price Map (Single Prints, VPOCS, News Drivers,...)             ▶️ Youtube Community Updates             ▶️ Website for ES MES Trading Room (Back Up) TRANSCRIPT: "Good morning, everybody! Welcome to the AM briefing by We're together; we trade better. Today's quote: 'The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still.' I love that quote. Sometimes you do have to be still; the Lord will fight for you. You only need to be still, be patient, and wait. Does that sound like trading? You only need to be still. You don't have to trade every day. Heck, I took zero trades yesterday, except for getting out of my Amazon option, which made my day. Be still, wait—no level, no trade. Period. All r...

Tue AM Briefing Preparing For Our Emini Trading Room 07/23/2024

Preparing ES & NQ Traders For Our Emini and Micros Futures Trading Room RESOURCES:             ▶️ ES Price Map (Single Prints, VPOCS, News Drivers,...)             ▶️ Youtube Community Updates             ▶️ Website for ES MES Trading Room (Back Up) TRANSCRIPT:

Mon AM Briefing Preparing For Our Emini Trading Room 07/22/2024

Preparing ES & NQ Traders For Our Emini and Micros Futures Trading Room RESOURCES:             ▶️ ES Price Map (Single Prints, VPOCS, News Drivers,...)             ▶️ Youtube Community Updates             ▶️ Website for ES MES Trading Room (Back Up) TRANSCRIPT: Good morning, Traders. Good morning! Happy Monday, July 22nd. What a week we have had, from assassination attempts to presidents being forced out! Amazing, amazing, amazing. But let's get to something more important: the Creator of the heavens and the Earth. "The desires of the lazy will kill them because their hands refuse to do anything." Did you do your weekend homework? Did you replay the charts? Did you go back and draw all your levels? Don't be lazy. Do the prep work to be ready to trade this week. Never ever trade until you have done y...

Fri AM Briefing Preparing For Our Emini Trading Room 07/19/2024

Preparing ES & NQ Traders For Our Emini and Micros Futures Trading Room RESOURCES:             ▶️ ES Price Map (Single Prints, VPOCS, News Drivers,...)             ▶️ Youtube Community Updates             ▶️ Website for ES MES Trading Room (Back Up) TRANSCRIPT: good morning everybody good morning good morning good morning make sure this microphone is up and close good morning it is Friday Opex Friday oh oh oh you better be careful today today's quote dishonest money Windows quickly and I've seen other people say money earned too quickly that type of concept but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow that is the true way to build little by little base hits you do not need home runs every day sure it's nice to get those 10 20 30 40 pointers but you know two to four points a couple three times ...