Thu AM Briefing Preparing For Our Emini Trading Room 08/29/2024
Preparing ES & NQ Traders For Our Emini and Micros Futures Trading Room RESOURCES: ▶️ ES Price Map (Single Prints, VPOCS, News Drivers,...) ▶️ Youtube Community Updates ▶️ Website for ES MES Trading Room (Back Up) TRANSCRIPT: Welcome, ES MES Futures Traders! Good morning, everybody. Good morning and welcome to Thursday, August 29th, the day after Nvidia earnings. All right, let’s start with today’s quote. Now, one of the things I’m going to do at the end of this video is recount a story from my life that relates to this verse. So, if you’d like to hear that story, I will try my best to remember to share it at the end. Quote: "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." I love that, and I promise you there is a story from my own lif...